Quick Amla ka Murabba With Jaggery Recipe (In Pressure Cooker)

See instructions how to make amla ka murabba with jaggery recipe. A delicious super healthy sweet made with only 2 ingredients-fresh raw amla and jaggery. It is a refined sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan sweet recipe.

Quick Amla ka Murabba With Jaggery Recipe (In Pressure Cooker)

What is Murabba?

Murabba is a sweet fruit preserve very popular in Ayurvedic and Unani medicinal preparation. It is widely made in many regions of Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East. Murabba can be made using different fruits like apple, apricot, mango, carrot, gooseberry, winter melon, plum along with sugar and spices. Aam ka murabba is one of the famous fruit preserves in India.

About Amla ka Murabba with Jaggery Recipe

Amla is popularly known as Indian gooseberry. There are several ways of making amla murabba, but the recipe, I am sharing with you is quick and simple. It involves only one day of soaking and just 5 minutes of cooking.

This is a healthy amla murabba recipe as I have used jaggery instead of refined white sugar. Also, a less quantity of jaggery is added which makes it a healthier choice over market bought gooseberry murabba where a high amount of sugar is added to preserve it for a long time.

Amla Murabba with Jaggery Ingredients List

Raw amla – choose fresh, slightly bigger in size, and without any bruises or blemishing amlas for this recipe. Small size amla is not riped well and has a more tangy flavour which requires more quantity of sweetener to be added.

Jaggery – I used organic jaggery for this recipe. Crush it first so that it melts easily while cooking. The colour of the syrup is depends on the colour of jaggery used.

Cardamom powder– to give a nice flavour to amla murabba cardamom powder is used. You can also use Kesar, saunf, clove, cinnamon or black pepper powder for flavouring.

Why this Amla ka Murabba with Jaggery Recipe

  • Quick
  • Sugar-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan
  • kids friendly
  • Chemicals or preservative free
Quick Amla ka Murabba With Jaggery Recipe (In Pressure Cooker)

According to Ayurveda, daily consumption of Amla has a lot of health benefits. It is considered a superfood that improves various ailments in our bodies. Without any chemical and preservative use, this quick and easy, sugar free amla murabba recipe is a dessert to relish. 

Amla can be consumed in different ways like making juice, chutney, murabba, jam, in raw form or pickle. 

The procedure of making amla ka murabba with jaggery is quite simple. First, we have to wash and prick all the amla with the help of a fork. Soak them in the freshwater overnight or a day. The next day, drains out the extra water and then pressure cook it with crushed jaggery. We don’t need to make any sugar syrup or cook it for a long time.

You can also separate pieces of amla before its cooking in the pressure cooker but I like to keep them whole which looks nice and easier to serve.

The whole process just takes around 15 minutes of your time and delicious healthy amla murabba is ready in no time. So, give it a try and enjoy this healthy sweet with your friends and family.

I prefer to make my amla murabba at home as the market bought contains a lot of sugar to preserve it for a long time which is not good for health. Although homemade amla murabba‘s shelf life is not very long but it is healthier than readymade.


For how long we can store this homemade amla murabba with jaggery?

You can store freshly homemade amla murabba in an airtight container for 2-3 weeks at room temperature. If stored in the refrigerator, it stays good for up to 2-3 months.

At what time of the day should we eat amla murabba?

You can consume it at any time of the day. But, it is best time to consume amla as an empty stomach in the morning which helps in improving your digestion, boosting immunity. Also, you can consume it at bedtime after having milk to get relief from chronic constipation.

Which is the best season to consume amla?

Fresh Amla is available in abundance in winters and is called winter’s superfood. It is rich in Vitamin C which helps in improving immunity and helps in preventing diseases during the winter season. Also, consuming in summers it helps to keep our body cool and energetic.

How to consume amla?

The best way of consuming amla is in raw form as the cooking process reduces a significant amount of its Vitamin C content. Other forms in which you can consume amla are amla juice, pickle, chutney, candy, murabba, chawanprash etc.

Benefits of Eating Amla ka Murabba(Amla ka Murabba Khane ke Fayde)

Daily consumption of amla murabba helps in 

  • Lowering cholesterol levels and imroving heart health
  • Slows down the greying of hair
  • Improve eyesight
  • Boosts our immunity 
  • Help in maintaining glowing and healthy skin
  • Improves digestion  
  • Give relief from arthritis pain

*Note people with dry skin and diabetes should avoid eating too much amla in their diet.

Read more- detailed nutritional profile and health benefits of amla(Indian gooseberry).

Quick Amla ka Murabba With Jaggery Recipe (In Pressure Cooker)

Amla ka Murabba with Jaggery Recipe- Step by Step Guide

  1. Wash amla with water to remove any dirt. Now, prick them with the help of a fork at regular intervals. Then, soak them in water overnight or for a day.

2. The next day, strain the water and wash amla again with fresh water. Prick them once again with a fork and keep them aside.

3. Now, take a pressure cooker, spread half of the crushed jaggery or jaggery powder at bottom. Then place amla over it. Now cover the amla with the rest of the jaggery. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and put it on a low medium flame.

4. Give one or two shakes carefully so that they will not stick at the bottom. Pressure cook it up to two whistles. Now, simmer it for another 1-2 minutes and then switch off the flame and let the pressure be released naturally.

5. Once the pressure is released, open the lid, transfer the syrup and amla to a bowl and let it cool completely. Our amla ka murabba with jaggery is ready.

6.Transfer to a glass container or jar and leave the amla murabba in the syrup untouched for at least 4-5 days and then serve. It helps in absorbing jaggery syrup by amla reducing the sour, tangy taste and enhances its flavour.

7. Store amla murabba in an airtight container. It stays good for 2-3 weeks at room temperature and up to 2-3 months in the refrigerator.

Serving Suggestions

Eat amla ka murabba with jaggery once or twice a day to get the most health benefits. It is best to have it in the morning empty stomach and at bedtime after consuming milk.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Don’t skip soaking of amla for at least one day as it helps in reducing the tanginess from amlas.
  2. Once the murabba is cooked, let it cool and leave aside for at least 4-5 days to get it a more flavourful and less tangy taste.
  3. For longer shelf life, store them in the refrigerator.
  4. Always use a clean and dry spoon to take out amla murabba from the container to increase its shelf life.
  5. Use Kesar, saunf, clove, cinnamon or black pepper powder to enhance its flavour.

Recipe Card

main 3 Healthically Kitchen

Quick Amla ka Murabba With Jaggery (In Pressure Cooker)

a9b0c928ecfde33240cdd22491c5d5f5?s=30&d=blank&r=g Healthically KitchenBabita Singh
See instructions how to make amla ka murabba with jaggery recipe. A delicious super healthy sweet made with only 2 ingredients-fresh raw amla and jaggery. It is a refined sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan recipe.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Indian
Servings 15 Pieces


  • 400 gm big size amla
  • 300 gm jaggery crushed
  • 1 tsp cardamom powder


  • Wash amla with water to remove any dirt. Now, prick them with the help of a fork at regular intervals. Then, soak them in water overnight or for a day.
  • The next day, strain the water and wash amla again with fresh water. Prick them once again with a fork and keep them aside.
  • Now, take a pressure cooker, spread half of the crushed jaggery or jaggery powder and then place amla over it. Now cover the amla with the rest of the jaggery. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and put it on a low medium flame.
  • Give one or two shakes carefully so that they will not stick at the bottom. Pressure cook it up to two whistles. Now, simmer it for another 1-2 minutes and then switch off the flame and let the pressure be released naturally.
  • Once the pressure is released, open the lid, transfer the syrup and amla to a bowl and let it cool completely.
  • Transfer to a glass container or jar and leave the amla murabba in the syrup untouched for at least 4-5 days and then serve. It helps in absorbing jaggery syrup by amla and reducing the sour, tangy taste.
  • Store them in an airtight container. It stays good for 2-3 weeks at room temperature and up to 2-3 months in the refrigerator.



1. Don’t skip soaking of amla for at least one day as it helps in reducing the tanginess from amlas.
2. Once the murabba is cooked, let it cool and leave aside for at least 4-5 days to get it a more flavourful and less tangy taste.
3. For longer shelf life, store them in the refrigerator.
4. Always use a clean and dry spoon to take out amla murabba from the container to increase its shelf life.
5. Use Kesar, saunf, clove, or black pepper powder to enhance its flavour.
Keyword amla ka murabba, amla murabba benefits, amla murabba recipe, amla murabba with jaggery, amla murabba with jaggery benefits, amla murabba with jaggery recipe, best amla murabba, how to make amla murabba without sugar, quick amla murabba, sugar free amla murabba recipe

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